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The ACR60 & ACR60LV continuous running HTP fan has been designed for bathrooms and kitchens, with a selection of trickle from 6-13l/s. It comes with intermittent to continuous running options, a day logger, custom 3 digit settings lock, hours on trickle and boost, hours boosted by humidity and energy consumption as standard. The HTP fan has an adjustable automatic sensing humidity sensor, a timer adjustable between 1 and 30 minutes and, an in-built boost activated by pullcord, a sleek tile front for discreet installation and comes with a 7 year warranty. Product code: ACR60 and ACR60LV.


Get all the information about ACR60 in our ACR60 Product Datasheet. Click here for fitting and wiring instructions. Click here for declaration of conformity for ACR60. Click here for declaration of conformity for ACR60LV. See how our intelligent humidity controlled fan can help you stop condensation and mould within our ACR60 Customer care guide